Faith Study

Learn More about our Catholic Faith with My Catholic Life Series!

We meet on Friday mornings at 9:30 for 1 hour to discuss the weeks chapter. New Session starts January 31, 2025.
“My Catholic Life”  is a series of 3 books summarizing our beautiful Catholic Faith. Together they answer difficult and deep questions of life, summarizing the entire Catechism of the Church in a personal, clear and simple way. Each book stands on it’s own, you do not have to read them in order or do the study in order, join us at any point! All are welcome – JOIN US JANUARY 31st – REGISTER BELOW…

Book 1 – My Catholic Faith! (What We Believe)
Book 2 – My Catholic Worship! (Prayer and the Sacraments)
Book 3 – My Catholic Morals! (Moral Teachings of the Church). 