Bible Study

Study started Feb 3 but it's not too late to join us!

Luke: The Story of Salvation Fulfilled.

LukeThe Gospel of Luke takes you on a journey that begins with the foretelling of John the Baptist’s birth and culminates in Jesus’ ascension into heaven. Along the way, you will witness key moments in salvation history, including the Annunciation; the Nativity; Jesus’ baptism; his public ministry; the Last Supper; and Jesus’ suffering, death, and glorious Resurrection. The Gospel’s powerful prose and beautiful details will deepen your desire to draw closer to Jesus and be transformed by His teachings. The Gospel of Luke continually reveals how Jesus is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. With Luke: The Story of Salvation Fulfilled, you will experience joy as you see how God has been faithful throughout the ages and how God’s promise can guide you in your everyday lives.

Choose 10:30am or 7:30pm – Workbooks available at the door or back of the church after Mass for $40.00

What We Believe: The Beauty of the Catholic Church.
What is the Catholic Church all about? What does it mean to be Catholic? What do Catholics actually believe? 
The Catholic Church is extraordinary. Founded by Christ himself, the Catholic Church is where we encounter God in his Word, his sacraments, and his saints. The Church faithfully proclaims the fullness of faith, leaving no truth out. It proclaims the fullness of life, leaving no person out. It calls all to repent and to believe in God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the source of all life and salvation.
Maybe you’ve been Catholic your entire life. Maybe you’re just beginning to explore the Catholic Faith. Wherever you may be in your journey, you will be profoundly moved by the beauty and the richness of the Catholic Church. Join us on Mondays!

Starts on October 24, 2022.

Sessions will run on Mondays on a BI-WEEKLY basis as follows: Oct 24, Nov 7, Nov 21 & Dec 5 then continues Jan 9, Jan 23, Feb 6, Feb 20, Mar 6 and Mar 20. Choose between 10:30am or 7:30pm.  Registration and the Study Set are now on sale at the back of the church for $40.



Life In Christ

Learn what it means to have the mind of Christ…With his words and the example of his life, Paul exhorts the Philippians to have the mind of Christ, to live a life worthy of the Gospel, and, by God’s grace, to gain Christ. 
Toward the end of his life, under arrest and awaiting trial in Rome, Saint Paul writes a short but powerful letter to the Philippians. Paul’s affection for the Christian community at Philippi is apparent from his opening words. The Philippians were not only Paul’s sons and daughters in the Faith but also his partners in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

. Set up your FREE FORMED account. If you are not already subscribed to FORMED, scroll down the FORMED section to sign-up. It's a gift to you from the parish!

2. Download the FREE Study Guide and find yourself a notebook. The Study Guide has the Group Discussion questions for each session as well as a DAILY REFLECTION for you to do on your own each day starting the day after the first session. Click on the button below to download, it is a very large document, you do not need to print it, you can easily use a notebook to jot down your thoughts and reflections each day.

2. Go Deeper. The Daily Reflections, called COMMIT are designed to help you more deeply explore the main topics of each session and help you to more firmly commit to following Christ in your daily life. This is where the notebook will come in handy.


Evangelization and the Acts of the Apostles

Find Help and Inspiration From The Men And Women Who Transformed The World

Our next Bible Study called “Lectio: Evangelization and the Acts of the Apostles” starts Thursday January 14th online! Two times available (10:30am or 7:00pm), it’s free & there is no registration!

In this 10 week Bible Study, Dr. Mary Healy combines insightful biblical study with Church teaching and practical advice to show how modern Catholics can effectively impact their world for Jesus Christ. She explores topics such as the call of Jesus to evangelize, the power of the Sacraments, the role of charisms for building up the Body of Christ, techniques from St. Paul for reaching a secular culture, and more.

. Set up your FREE FORMED account. If you are not already subscribed to FORMED, scroll down the FORMED section to sign-up. It's a gift to you from the parish!

2. Download the FREE Study Guide and find yourself a notebook. The Study Guide has the Group Discussion questions for each session as well as a DAILY REFLECTION for you to do on your own each day starting the day after the first session. Click on the button below to download, it is a very large document, you do not need to print it, you can easily use a notebook to jot down your thoughts and reflections each day.

2. Go Deeper. The Daily Reflections, called COMMIT are designed to help you more deeply explore the main topics of each session and help you to more firmly commit to following Christ in your daily life. This is where the notebook will come in handy.

~ PRAYER - Finding Intimacy with God


Dr. Gray masterfully uses the ancient Church’s tradition of lectio divina to show you the simple steps for making prayer an effort of love and intimacy with God, opening our hearts and minds to scripture as the means to hear God and respond in conversation, basking in his presence and resolving to live in and through his love. 

. Set up your FREE FORMED account. If you are not already subscribed to FORMED, scroll down the FORMED section to sign-up. It's a gift to you from the parish!

2. Download the FREE Study Guide and find yourself a notebook. The Study Guide has the Group Discussion questions for each session as well as a DAILY REFLECTION for you to do on your own each day starting the day after the first session. Click on the button below to download, it is a very large document, you do not need to print it, you can easily use a notebook to jot down your thoughts and reflections each day.

2. Go Deeper. The Daily Reflections, called COMMIT are designed to help you more deeply explore the main topics of each session and help you to more firmly commit to following Christ in your daily life. This is where the notebook will come in handy.


Formed is a streaming network (works like Netflix) that normally requires a paid subscription. The parish has purchased a special subscription for the entire parish! It's our gift to you!

Do not use the Free Trial offered from Formed, the parish has already purchased a subscription for you!

STEP ONE: Set up your FREE FORMED account using the blue STEP 1 the link below. All they need is our parish name, your name & email. Once this is set up, you will be ready to browse through the hundreds of videos available to you and your whole family on FORMED!

STEP TWO: Once your account is set up, click on STEP 2 link to start watching the video Bible Study Series " Lectio: Evangelization and the Acts of the Apostles" Don't forget you can download the participant guide as well!
