
Helping you Share the Faith with your Kids!

Welcome! On this page you will find great Catholic YouTube Playlists to help your child learn more about; Jesus, Great Saints & Prayer and you will also find a family friendly Podcast & other great resource links!

To Find out More about our Sunday Liturgy Program – HFkids CLICK HERE.

To Find out More about our Kids Lending Library CLICK HERE
HFkids is our re-vamped Children’s Liturgy of the Word during the first half of Mass geared for kids from JK to grade 6. We have two great programs during the 9:30 and 11:00 Mass – Time Travellers for kids in grade 2 to 6 and Adventurers for kids in JK to grade 1. No Registration Required!

Gospel Message for June 26th

Reflection for ages 7 & up
Reflection for 7 & under

HFkids Question of the Week & Kids Bulletin

Don’t Look Back

Another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but let me first say farewell to those at my home.” Jesus said to him, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” (Lk. 9:61–62)
What can you do to be a stronger follower of Jesus this week? 

CATHOLIC YouTube Channels with Great Videos!

Travel back in time to experience Gospel stories first hand and learn the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Faith.
Experience the joy of following Christ with these videos for children & families from the Sacred Heart of Jesus Convent.
Kids will learn about Great Saints! Find 100's of Videos...
Find 22 Different Guided Catholic Prayers for Kids to learn.
Kids will learn morals from these entertaining Bible Stories.

Great CATHOLIC Streaming Content for Kids!

Catholic Sprouts is a daily 5-minute podcast perfect for families. Each epiosde ends wih a daily challenge to help apply what they learned. Would also be perfect for the Intemediate classroom!
FORMED - has a great selection of kids programs and family movies, it's a free gift to you from the parish! Use the link below to create your free account, use Holy Family Whitby as your parish. Download the App!

SW Pals available from our website!

Look to the very left bottom corner of your screen for the SW+ icon floating on every page of our on the icon then in the menu, scroll down to SW Pals. You will find tons of great kids content.
Click icon  located bottom right corner of your screen.

EWTN Free Steaming for kids and Television.

Tune in to EWTV weekdays from 4pm-5pm & Saturdays from 9am to 10:30am. Visit: for online streaming anytime!

Timberwolves for boys aged 7-12
(Stay tuned for girls group forming soon)
