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Do you find Church to be too complicated? Is your life too complicated?
Do you find fitting church into your life too complicated?

When things become more complicated than they need to be – we become less inclined toward them,
and this can create serious challenges.

How would Jesus tackle this over complication?
Ever since creation there have been rules to follow – it is the mark of the evolution of humankind, and of people living in civilization. When Jesus arrived, the Jewish people of that time followed 613 commandments. When they asked Jesus: “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus said to them: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind”. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 22: 36-40. 

Jesus then gave the early church The Great Commission to “go and make disciples”, to baptize and to teach others. Matthew 28: 19-20

Our Mission as Catholics!

Now we know the Biblical basis for the most important teaching of Christ. These 3 commands should be our main priority and help us become true disciples. They are the steps to simplify what we as Christians have somehow managed to complicate:

Love God  – that’s our number one priority and our first purpose. To worship, love and adore God above all other things in our lives.

Love Others  – Christ commanded us to love other people, all other people. If we love God first, He will help us love others, even our “enemies”!

Make Disciples  – Because you love God and you love other people, you will want to teach them and show them how to also obey and love Christ.

These 3 priorities are the key components of a simple church, of a Godly life, and a roadmap for how we can be the Church. They are the goal of our mission, of all we do and who we are.

Here are some ways you can be part of our simplified Church...

Whether you are a newly registered parishioner, a visitor to our parish of have been attending Holy Family for a while, you are invited on the journey of discipleship. By virtue of our baptism, we are all called to be intentional followers of Jesus Christ. We offer a variety of opportunities for everyone to explore and find their next steps. There are faith formation programs such as Alpha, ChristLife, Bible Studies, one-day conferences or a series of workshops, small groups and prayer groups. Bring a friend and try something! Please visit the Adult Faith Formation page for more information.

The first and best way to belong to our vibrant faith community is to participate in our Sunday Worship at the Masses. Not only is this the source and summit of our Catholic faith, but it is where we come together as the family of God. Between our message, music and hospitality, we hope that you feel spiritually inspired by the Sunday Experience.

As committed members of the Holy Family parish community, we understand and expect to become involved in different ways in the activities of the church through ministry service, participation in faith formation and financial support for the on-going needs of the church and our parish. To offer your on-going and consistent contributions, consider using our convenient pre-authorized giving plan (PAG), follow the link below to sign up.

All of our programs are designed to create and nurture opportunities for people to meet, get to know each other and connect. We also carry this through on the weekend with hospitality after all the Masses in addition to many enjoyable events and social gatherings.

Through our parish email list; all members are able to receive important parish information as well as messages of prayer, scripture or readings to further our growth in the faith.

In this video, Fr. Mike gives four basics for being a disciple of Christ.
